Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Top 10 Best Government Software to use

Top 10 Best Government Software to use
Government Software having distinct capabilities to deal with different aspects from various departments. They are capable of operations management requirements for government, including land management, licensing and regulation and community development. Also request capture, tracking, document collecting, redaction, correspondence, fulfillment, archival, and reporting. Here top 10 Best Government Software listed; Read on:

10 Best Government Software to use

1. FastTrackGov
FastTrackGov caters government institutions an easy-to-use, feature-rich package of web-based solutions for Licensing, Local Permitting, Code Enforcement, Inspections, and Citizen Request Tracking. Additionally, CashTrackGov gives an integrated, point-of-sale Cashing solution for automated revenue assortment and bill tracking.

2. CapEx Manager
CapEx Manager is a construction management software tool accessed by multiple users in different departments. This construction management system gives tools for devising strategies and managing all corners of the construction program. The software deals with the full lifecycle of capital programs, giving powerful functionality for planning, design, procurement, construction management, cost control and reporting.

3. CityReporter 
CityReporter is an inspection app especially deliberated for municipalities. It has quick and easy setup with built-in checklists that have been endorsed by industry experts and risk managers. It works on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets and contains six inspection modules to control the quite distinct requirements of building permit inspections, facility upholding, fire prevention, playground security etc.

4. Libria for FOIA
Libria for FOIA by MSF &W Software goes to get rid of the toil intensive and time-taking technique of manually processing FOIA requests. Libria organizes the whole FOIA lifecycle, request capture, tracking, document collecting, redaction, correspondence, fulfillment, archival, and reporting.

5. Pubworks
Pubworks is a complete, GIS-integrated Asset Management Public works software utility. It enables you to inventory all assets, execute work orders and run complete reports that tell the story of your operation. The system comes with up to 500 easily customizable, ready to run reports you require support your department producing an unrivaled return on investment.

6. BasicGov 
BasicGov Systems, Inc. develops, sells and assists web-based software. BasicGov offers the only comprehensive real cloud solution having the ability to meet all operations management requirements for government, including land management, licensing and regulation and community development.

7. CaseWorthy
CaseWorthy Inc. is a top provider of Social Services Technology to take in software ace, and turnkey implementation services. The company aims at supporting and enabling Health and Human Service (HHS) organizations to realize their objectives of crafting healthier and stout people, families, and communities.

8. FreeBalance
FreeBalance Accountability Suite is a global provider of software solutions for people’s financial management. FreeBalance caters government-optimized, compact, and easily maintainable software that was deliberated for government and can easily be adapted to any country context or level of government.

9. Snappii 
Snappii is a codeless mobile app and mobile forms development system that offers a number of mobile apps for Government departments as a convenient and easy-to-use mobile solution that will lend a hand to process data rapidly and easily, save time on data assortment, export data as custom PDF and Excel reports and more. It allows app users to upload their own PDFs, edit them and share.

10. FormsDocs
FormsDocs allows you replace your standard paper forms with complete electronic forms that can be stored, filled-in, and distributed right from your user’s desktops, laptops, or network. FormDocs has broad experience meeting the forms requirements of city, town, and county government in their procurement, Purchase requisitions, reporting, recording, asset management, and human resources operations.

So which one is your favorite don't forget to mention :)


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